This one is an album cover. 

This one is an album cover. 

Tires are people:

Frame right - leaning against the wall - Lead Singer with the “I’m way too fucking cool to be in this or any shot. I’m the greatest songwriter in the world and everyone knows it” look. 

Middle tire - Guitar - technically way above his age in abilities, ladies dig him (but not nearly as much as Lead Singer). Slept with Lead Singer’s sister. Ok, both of his sisters. 

Tire behind Guitar - Bass - slight dorky look but don’t let that fool you. He’s broken hearts ladies, beware. He’s actually also a decent bass player and not bad on saxophone. IQ 152.

Fern in metal pot - Drums - you know where I’m going, but I’ll say it anyway. Dude is crazy! Insane! Cool to hang with, spontaneous in nature. Is rumored to have slept with 4 groupies at the same time. And that was on a bad day.

And that’s why I see Album Cover. But it’s more than just that.

When I photographed this, I had no idea for what the subject was (Album Cover). I was drawn to this. In a fraction of a second, it came to me. No meaning, no idea, just ‘photograph this just like this’.

It’s how I operate. Composition for me is all emotion, feelings, vibration. I can’ explain it any better than that.

Later, usually when editing, I get some indication of what I was really seeing and why it came to me. Though sometimes this can take years for me to figure out.

Sony a7riii, Helios 44-2 58mm f2.


I had no idea.


I could compose a symphony with this lens.